Under the legal concept of premises liability, property owners, managers, and occupiers all have the duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for those who visit or reside on their premises, including patrons, customers, service personnel, or residents. Where a safety hazard or a dangerous condition develops on the premises, a property owner is supposed to provide warnings until the hazard can be remedied or repaired. If a property owner has knowledge of an adverse condition that could cause an injury and she or he fails to fix the problem, it may become a legal liability should someone be hurt or killed due to the unrepaired danger. This could constitute negligence, leaving the property owner vulnerable to facing a personal injury lawsuit. Those who have been hurt due to negligence may pursue compensation for their damages in an injury claim or lawsuit against the responsible party or entity and should reach out to a premises liability lawyer to learn more.


Premises liability can apply to any public or private property, including a residence, office buildings, movie theaters, restaurants, malls, hotels, nursing homes, sports arenas, nightclubs, entertainment venues, grocery stores, hospitals, parking structures, and much more. Commercial and residential property owners and managers have a responsibility to keep their homes, stores and general grounds in good repair — or to give advance warning to visitors if there are known hazards to be avoided. When they fail to do so and you suffer harm as a result, you have the right to seek compensation. Orlando R Murillo P.A. possesses an impressive knowledge of Florida premises liability laws and can help you fight for your rights.



Our Miami premises liability lawyer can help clients with many services, including:

  • Consulting medical professionals to verify the extent of your injuries and the cost of recovery.
  • Photographing the scene of your accident and preserving other evidence.
  • Researching whether anyone else has been injured in the same location, or if anyone has previously complained about the property’s condition.
  • Structuring sound arguments to ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Premises liability attorney, Orlando R. Murillo, has helped clients file suit against property owners, tenants, landlords, security guards and companies, management companies, and other at-fault parties in premises liability claims. Our law firm will do everything possible to help you obtain damages for medical expenses, lost wages, damaged property, and pain and suffering.


If you or someone you love has been harmed on someone else’s property, the owner may be accountable for the injuries sustained. You may be able to recover compensation depending on your reasons for being on the property and the specific circumstances of your injury. An experienced premises liability lawyer is your best source of reliable advice and you should not hesitate to call an attorney as soon as possible.

Orlando R Murillo P.A. is your ideal source for comprehensive assistance if you have been injured on another person’s property. It is our goal to seek justice and ensure the owner or occupier of the property is held accountable for not honoring their legal responsibility. The individual or entity that creates the danger or is aware of the hazard and fails to amend it is answerable for their disregard.

Contact our Miami office online or at 305-468-4120 to speak to a premises liability attorney regarding your accident.


This is a somewhat complicated question based on the infinite number of variables involved in determining the value of an injury notwithstanding liability. Factors involved in valuing a claim include lost wages, medical bills, projected future medical bills, and pain and suffering among many.

Sitting down in an initial consultation with a premises liability attorney can help you to better understand the factors that are included in this evaluation. One of the first aspects of your premises liability claim is the type of injuries you have sustained. If you have received a diagnosis from a doctor, it will be much easier to explain how your life has significantly changed because of a critical accident. Your premises liability lawyer can explain more about how much your premises liability claim is worth based on the injuries you have been diagnosed with.

Another aspect of your premises liability claim has to do with how the accident occurred. If you can prove that the property owner had a responsibility and failed to remove a dangerous condition on the property, putting you at risk of critical injuries, this can enhance your chances of walking away with a significant award.

Of course, the type of injury you received and the amount of medical treatment also plays a significant role in determining the estimated value of your claim or case. Your premises liability lawyer will be able to help guide you through the legal process and explain what you can expect each step of the way.

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