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Orlando R. Murillo Experienced attorney providing highly skilled and personalized legal representation in Miami/Fort Lauderdale/West Palm Beach, and throughout the entire State of Florida


 Miami Trucking Accidents

Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a trucking accidents attorney in Miami, Florida who defends the rights of those who have been injured in truck crashes. Because of the sheer size, weight, and loads involved, truck accidents can result in far more serious injuries than passenger vehicle accidents. The claims process for truck accidents can also be more complex because victims may need to seek damages from insurance companies, drivers, and truck companies following a crash. For example, truck companies may hold high-limit insurance policies to protect them in the event of an accident, but when a person has been seriously injured in a crash, insurance companies may fight harder before paying out a settlement and may demand extensive evidence to support a claim. Navigating the personal injury claims process when so many stakeholders are involved can be complicated. Truck companies and insurance companies may have lawyers representing their interests. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a trucking accidents attorney who can represent yours.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a total of 4,136 people died in large truck crashes in 2018. Sixteen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 67 percent were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles, and 15 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists. Semi-truck accident statistics show that most truck crashes occur between noon and 3 PM. These figures don’t account for the many more people who are injured in truck accidents every year. If you have been hurt in a truck accident in Miami, Florida, you and your family may be facing a range of unique challenges. You may be struggling to pay medical bills, may need to undergo extensive rehabilitation, and may miss time from work while you heal. Some individuals are so seriously injured that they are permanently disabled and are unable to return to work. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident, it is important to act now. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a trucking accidents attorney in Miami, Florida who can help you with your claim.


Why is it important to hire a trucking accidents attorney after a truck crash in Miami, Florida? Truck companies are required to abide by strict rules and regulations that govern the industry. When these companies violate the law, they can put the general public at risk. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a truck accident law firm in Miami, Florida that can review the details of your case, the police report of your accident, and determine whether a truck company violated the law. Furthermore, a truck accident law firm can help you navigate the sometimes complex insurance claims process. How can a trucking accidents attorney help you? Here’s how:

Investigating your claim: Truck companies are required to follow certain local and federal laws. These laws can include local bans on texting and driving for commercial drivers, blood alcohol concentration limits for commercial drivers, and other regulations about where trucks can and cannot drive. For example, some urban areas ban trucks altogether, and other areas ban trucks from using roads during certain hours. Federal laws also govern the trucking industry. These include hours of service laws that limit how long a truck driver can operate a motor vehicle. Truck drivers are required to keep detailed logs outlining how long they have worked. A trucking accidents attorney can review truck driving logs and shipping schedules to see that these match to determine whether a truck driver might have violated hours of service laws. Other laws also regulate the trucking industry. For example, truck companies must keep their vehicles properly maintained. Failure to maintain a truck can result in brake failures or blown tires that can result in serious accidents.

Truck drivers are also required to pass regular medical tests, and truck companies have a responsibility to vet their drivers before hire. Truck companies are also required to abide by loading limits. When trucks are overloaded, they are at an increased risk of tipping over and brake failure is also possible. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a truck accident law firm in Miami, Florida that can investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident by reviewing accident reports, speaking to witnesses, or looking more deeply into a truck company’s practices. When truck companies break the law or cut corners to save money, they put the general public at risk. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a trucking accidents attorney in Miami who can review your case, determine whether a truck driver or company was negligent, and fight to help you get the settlement you may deserve under the law. Settling a claim with insurers. Insurance companies sometimes use formulas and estimates to determine the value of a claim. With higher value claims, the formulas can get quite complex because they might involve future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and other losses.

An insurance company might offer you and your family what appears to be a high settlement, but the settlement may not reflect your actual losses and damages. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a truck accident law firm in Miami, Florida who can estimate the value of your claim, negotiate with insurance adjusters, and fight to help you get the settlement you may deserve under the law.

In the aftermath of a truck accident, victims may have the right to seek settlements from insurance companies, truck drivers, shippers, and truck companies. If you or a loved one have been hurt in a truck accident in Miami, Florida, you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a truck accident law firm in Miami that works closely with victims and families, helping them seek the justice they may deserve under the law.


The trucking industry makes billions each year. Truck companies and drivers have a responsibility to protect the safety of all drivers on the road. This means they have a responsibility to follow traffic laws and trucking regulations. When companies put their bottom lines over public safety, accidents can happen. Orlando R. Murillo, P.A. is a trucking accidents attorney in Miami who can help you and your family fight for justice if you have been hurt in a truck crash. Our truck accident law firm fights the trucking industry to protect victims’ rights. Contact us today.

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